Friday 18 November 2011

Week 5: Landscape Drawing

 A 10 minute sketch of a dawn scene, in this image I focused primarily on the trees and how they are constructed. I paid attention to their rough texture and tried to emulate this using crosshatching. I think this is successful in the tree to the right, but in the middle I feel like the lines I have used are too obvious and bold. Still I am happy with how the branches turned out in both the trees, and I think the softness of the clouds in the background is successful.
A 40 minute drawing of a landscape, in which I paid attention to completing the whole scene, and tried to capture the feel of each area through how I applied my lines. I think this is successful in the grass to the left and the central building, and I also feel I have successfully represented the trees and bushes in the background. The pavement down the middle has a slight look of a river, which I'm disappointed with, but overall I think the image works.

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