Thursday, 5 January 2012

Week 6: Natural and Manmade Forms

A 30 minute drawing focusing on getting the shape and feel of objects to be correct, specifically the differences between natural and created forms. This is largely successful as the central objects described within the image are clearly recognisable, flowers that are resting in a pot. The differences in tonal values and textures are also evident here. The object next to the pot which is another flower is however not so successful, as it is not entirely obvious what it is at first glance.

The image was also focused on creating an image that feels completed, hence why there are human figures sketched in in the background, to make it obvious to the viewer that the flowers are not just suspended on a table in the middle of nowhere. The slightly more detailed lighting stand to the left also helps to create the feeling of a complete image, as it adds a midground which is not really the focus of the eye, but is also not the background.

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