Thursday 5 January 2012

Week 10: Basic Anatomy and Movement

 A 5 minute sketch focusing on anatomy and the weight associated with the human body. This is evident in the weight which is visibly on the legs. The front leg taking the majority of the weight, whereas the back leg is taking very little, and merely acting as a balance. However where the weight is especially evident is in the shoulders and the arms, including the hands. The pose which the hands are in clearly suggesting being rested on the table. The shoulders are slightly pushed back to indicate the strain on them.
Another 5 minute sketch of a dynamic pose, this time mostly focused on the pose and the lines of the body. One of the important lines in this pose being that of the front arm and shoulder leading down to the forward leg. This is a line which should be fairly continuous and only disrupted slightly by the muscles which join together in those regions. Another important aspect of this image is how it is possible to tell where the hands are gripping even though you cannot see them behind the head. This shows that the strain and tension created in the arms is correct.

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