Thursday 5 January 2012

Week 7: Soft and Hard Surfaces and Textures

A 15 minute still life composition primarily focusing on the textures of the objects. The drapery surrounding the objects enhances this and makes the image feel more complete, as it makes the objects have the appearance of  weight as they create folds in the drape. The texture of the drape however has not been particularly successful as most attention has been spent on these folds, and in the creation of this information some of the textural details have been lost.

The objects themselves do have some textural details, it is clear for instances that the glass bottle on the right is holding water, and that the vase in the background is reflective and is reflecting some of the composition back.The drawing also shows good use of elipses to describe parts of the objects, such as the top of the glass bottle on the right. As a composition it is a good image, there are no kissing objects but at the same time there are no orphaned objects.

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